Crime and Punishment
“I learned that people will never change, and no one can remake them, and it’s not worth the effort! He who is firm and strong in mind and spirit will rule over them! He who dares much will be right in their eyes. more
“I learned that people will never change, and no one can remake them, and it’s not worth the effort! He who is firm and strong in mind and spirit will rule over them! He who dares much will be right in their eyes. more
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Last event date: Wednesday, November 06 2024 6:00PM
“I learned that people will never change, and no one can remake them, and it’s not worth the effort! He who is firm and strong in mind and spirit will rule over them! He who dares much will be right in their eyes. He who can spit on what is greatest will be their lawgiver, and he who dares the most will be the rightest of all! Then I realised that power is given only to the one who dares to reach down and take it. Here there is one thing, one thing only: one has only to dare! And then I decided that I would dare.”
Az előadás a DEKK projekt része. Az élet véges. 40-nél van vége. Vagy nem…?
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