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The Royal Ballet 2024/25 - Csajkovszkij: A hattyúk tava

The Royal Ballet 2024/25 - Csajkovszkij: A hattyúk tava

Swan Lake
Encore Ballet Broadcast from London, with two intermission, 210 min, 2024

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Director: Marius Petipa (choreographer) after Lev Ivanov

Additional choreographer: Liam Scarlett és Frederick Ashton
Set and costum designer: John Macfarlane
Dancer: Yasmine Naghdi, Matthew Ball

Prince Siegfried chances upon a flock of swans while out hunting. When one of the swans turns into a beautiful woman, Odette, he is enraptured. But she is under a spell that holds her captive, allowing her to regain her human form only at night.

Von Rothbart, arbiter of Odette's curse, tricks the Prince into declaring his love for the identical Odile and thus breaking his vow to Odette. Doomed to remain a swan forever, Odette has but one way to break the sorcerer's spell.

Tchaikovsky’s sensational score combines with the evocative imagination of choreographer Liam Scarlett and designer John Macfarlane to heighten the dramatic pathos of Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov’s quintessential ballet classic. Swan Lake remains to this day one of the best-loved works in the classical ballet canon.

The Royal Ballet 2024/25 >>>

Ticket information

Tickets are available at the Cassa of the Urania National Filmtheater and in the Ticket Sale System of Interticket.

Ticket price: 4900 HUF
Discounted tickets are available at the price of 4500 for those purchasing tickets for at least 4different performances for the season at the same time.

Please note that after the start of the screening, you can only take a seat on the floor side.

Thank you for your understanding!
Directorate of Uránia National Film Theater

Distributor: Pannonia Entertainment

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