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Jurkiewicz Cezary

Jurkiewicz Cezary

One of the forst comedians in Poland, who has been performing for over 10 years. One of the founders of the Fisrt Polish Stand-up Comedy wrtiting schools. In his monologue's Cezary turns his dirty soul inside so it can absorb you into the world of neurotism and hipochondria.

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One of the forst comedians in Poland, who has been performing for over 10 years. One of the founders of the Fisrt Polish Stand-up Comedy wrtiting schools. In his monologue's Cezary turns his dirty soul inside so it can absorb you into the world of neurotism and hipochondria.

Central European Stand-up Gala (angol nyelvű előadás)

Central European Stand-up Gala (angol nyelvű előadás)

DNS-Dumaszínház Kulturális Egyesület
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