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Intrigue and Love

Intrigue and Love



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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, February 22 2025 2:30PM

Ferdinand and Luise are in love. But the origin of their parents, the differences in rank, the machinations of the powerful, in fact, all external circumstances work against them. Sometimes cruelly and actively, other times only slowly, eating up their trust and hopes bit by bit. In Schiller's play, which explodes with passion, eternal opposites collide: duty and freedom, the lust for power and moral purity, the need to conform and the need to be oneself, selfishness and love. From high to low, from compassion to contempt, from hope to despair, and back again, the pulsating, poetic text sweeps us along in a story full of twists and turns.

Cast: Géza Hegedűs D., Balázs Medveczky, Luca Márkus, Eszter Nagy-Kálózy, Szabolcs Horváth, Péter Rudolf, Barbara Hegyi and István Hirtling

Premiere: 9 March 2024

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