Piano recital by Grigory Sokolov
The Piano - Jakobi Concerts
The Piano - Jakobi Concerts
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He started his career as a wunderkind, giving his first concert at the age of five, and today most people liken Grigory Sokolov to a Tibetan monk. He himself recedes into the background, his physical presence practically dissolving in the music, the notes, perfectly formed, taking over control of the concert hall, making his recitals into celebrations of music. He is indisputably one of the greatest pianists alive today. His extensive repertoire ranges from Bach to Schönberg, and the seriousness and originality of his musical interpretation and the precision of his performance style captivate both audiences and critics wherever he plays.
Presented by: Jakobi Koncert Kft.
Photo: Attila Nagy, Müpa
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