María Pagés Companía: De Scheherezade / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2025
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Performed by: María Pagés, Alicia Pajuelo, Raquel Guillén, Adriana Gómez, Nuria Díez, Ariana López, Marina Madiedo, Eva Varela
Featuring: Ana Ramón Muñoz, Cristina Pedrosa – voice, Rubén Levaniegos – guitar, Graci Del Saz – violin, Sergio Menem – cello, José María Uriarte – percussion
Dramaturgy, text: El Arbi El Harti
Music: Rubén Levaniegos, Sergio Menem, David Móñiz, María Pagés
Stage set: María Pagés, El Arbi El Harti
Costumes: María Pagés
Stage set and costumes production: María Calderón, Sandra Calderón
Lighting: Olga García
Choreographer, musical director: María Pagés
Director: María Pagés, El Arbi El Harti
De Scheherezade, the grand production by the world-famous dancer and director, María Pagés, starts where the tales of One Thousand and One Nights end. Each of the twelve scenes relates the life of a woman.
Behind these fates, mythic patterns reveal themselves, as those of Athena, Sappho, Medea, Blimunda, Bernarda, and, of course, Carmen. They are all characters more complex, controversial and unladylike than the charming, sassy Seherezade: these women are at once tough and gentle, strict, haughty, or, on the contrary, humble – but they are always fearless.
The atmosphere of the performance relies on an exciting blend of traditional flamenco and Moroccan music, created by Rubén Levaniegos together with Sergio Menem and David Móñiz. It is further enriched by the music of Bizet and Rimsky-Korsakov, as well as stylistic touches of popular music.
Partners: Gran Teatre del Liceu – Barcelona, Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation
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