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Pusker Júlia | Kammerorchester Basel - Bartók múzsái / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2025

Pusker Júlia | Kammerorchester Basel - Bartók múzsái / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2025

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Bartók: Divertimento, BB 118

Bartók: Violin Concerto No. 1, BB 48a

Schubert: Symphony No. 3 in D major, D. 200


Featuring: Júlia Pusker – violin, Kammerochester Basel

Conductor: Izabelė Jankauskaitė


A splendid ensemble from Switzerland, Kammerorchester Basel represents a special colour and quality in the classical music scene. Their performance style is characterized by playfulness, their programming by a spirit of adventure. In recent years they have collaborated with such superb artists as Heinz Holliger, Philippe Herreweghe, Patricia Kopatchinskaja, Franco Fagioli and Isabelle Faust. Their highly ambitious Haydn project, which lasts until 2032 and involves principal guest conductor Giovanni Antonini and the Il Giardino Armonico ensemble, has already produced truly exceptional results.

In Budapest, they will be guided through their programme of Bartók and Schubert by the young Lithuanian conductor, Izabelė Jankauskaitė, whose career took off in 2022 when she won the Neeme Järvi Prize at the Gstaad Conducting Academy. The featured soloist will be Júlia Pusker, an award winner of the 2019 Queen Elisabeth Violin Competition in Brussels, who has been described by the press as ‘a true “aristocrat” of the violin,’ and has been praised for the ‘magical simplicity’ of her playing. In October 2024, György Pauk, the world-famous violinist and educator, loaned his 1714 ‘Massart’ Stradivarius to her, and she may well play the instrument at the spring concert, where the programme includes the passionate concerto Bartók dedicated to Stefi Geyer.


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