Anna Netrebko & Yusif Eyvazov's aria recital
Opera gala with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles
Conductor: Michelangelo Mazza
Featuring: Anna Netrebko, Pumeza Matshikiza, Yusif Eyvazov, Jérôme Boutillier
Opera gala with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles
Conductor: Michelangelo Mazza
Featuring: Anna Netrebko, Pumeza Matshikiza, Yusif Eyvazov, Jérôme Boutillier
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Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov's collaboration with the Hungarian State Opera has been going on for many years. In August 2017, the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra performed at the world-famous couple's large-scale open-air gala evening at the Waldbühne in Berlin, which was broadcast live on television, in front of 20,000 spectators, and then in December of that year, they performed at the Erkel Theatre in the concert performance of Andrea Chénier. Netrebko and Eyvazov also visited Budapest twice as guests of Müpa, performing an aria evening and a concert version of Tosca, also featuring the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Chorus and Children's Chorus. A performance at the Konzerthaus in Vienna followed, once again with the OPERA Orchestra, and in September 2022 the Russian star soprano came to the Opera House for a recital. In July 2023, the OPERA Orchestra accompanied the two stars at the open-air VeszprémFest. Most recently, they achieved a resounding success in February 2024, when they performed Il trovatore in a concert the version with OPERA's ensembles and leading soloists, this time at the Locomotive Hall of the Eiffel Art Studios. Every performance of Anna Netrebko is an event, even a celebration: in 2025, along with Yusif Eyvazov, she awaits her fans with an opera gala on the stage of the Ybl Palace.
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“Tu, tu, amore? Tu?”
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