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Szeged Contemporary Dance Company: Cinderella Family fairy-tale ballet

Szeged Contemporary Dance Company: Cinderella Family fairy-tale ballet

Some people need to immerse themselves in the world of a true classic every evening: this family fairy tale ballet by the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company gives every member of the family the opportunity to do just that.  more

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Last event date: Monday, October 07 2024 1:30PM

Everyone knows the story of Cinderella: the poor girl tormented by her new family until life takes a fabulous turn for the better thanks to a handsome prince. In this visually spectacular production involving several generations of dancers, the wicked of course earn their due punishment, and the good will find each other. The key to happiness is represented by a pair of pointe shoes...

"I see it as my mission to educate the younger generation about how watching dance is a positive experience, and how stories can be perfectly encoded and understood through movement,” says Kossuth Prize-winning choreographer and director Tamás Juronics, who created Cinderella together with co-choreographer Gergely Czár. Prokofiev's characterful music guides and directs the dancers almost from motion to motion: even the smallest members of the audience will understand exactly where we are situated in a story retold on a quite wide emotional scale, ranging from humour to love. Beautifully and sensitively framing this production by the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company is the evocation of the figure of the lost mother: it is from her that Cinderella starts out, and to her that she prepares to return. There is no reason to worry, though. Everything will naturally culminate in a happy ending, and in addition to the fairy-tale prince discovering his true love at the sumptuously colourful ball scene, the eyes of the father, exploited and oppressed by the wicked stepmother, will finally be opened. After that, nothing can stand in the way of family happiness. Kázmér Tóth has dreamed up a spectacular space for the fairy tale to unfold in, with the friendly family house magically transforming into a monumental ballroom. Another interesting aspect of the show is the way it gives important roles to several generations of students from Szeged's VargaBalett Dance Workshop.


Cinderella..................................................Désirée Bazzani
Prince....................................................... Lotár Vincze
Stepmother................................................Petra Bocsi
Stepsisters.................................................Letizia Melchiorre, Diletta Savini
Beggar.......................................................Róbert Kiss
Mouse.......................................................Janka Nier
The Mother's ghost...................................Adrienn Nyeste
Father....................................................... Gergely Czár
Fairies......................................................  Diletta Ranuzzi, Miriam Munno, Giordana Marzocchi
Servants.....................................................Francesco Totaro, Ábel Mezei
Mice, fairies, ballgoers
Students from the VargaBallet Dance Studio

Music: Szergei Prokofiev
Costumes: J. D. S.
Set design: Kázmér Tóth
Animation: Play Dead Stúdió
Lighting: Ferenc Stadler
Childrens' ballet master: József Varga
Co-choreographer: Gergely Czár
Ballet director: András Pataki
Choreographer, artistic director: Tamás Juronics

Age: 4- year
Presented by: Müpa Budapest

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