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Thomas Adès and the Vienna Philharmonic

Thomas Adès and the Vienna Philharmonic

A true sensation: the Vienna Philharmonic, one of the finest orchestras in the world, is coming to Müpa Budapest to perform under the baton of one of the most exciting composers of our time, Britain’s Thomas Adès!

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Last event date: Tuesday, March 29 2022 7:30PM

Haydn - Symphony No. 64 in A major (‘Tempora mutantur’), Hob. I:64
Thomas Adès - The Exterminating Angel Symphony
György Kurtág - Petite musique solennelle – en hommage à Pierre Boulez 90
Boulez - Messagesquisse
Janáček - Taras Bulba

A true sensation: the Vienna Philharmonic, one of the finest orchestras in the world, is coming to Müpa Budapest to perform under the baton of one of the most exciting composers of our time, Britain’s Thomas Adès! The programme they will be playing is no average one either, as it features both Haydn’s ‘Tempora mutantur’ Symphony No. 64 in A major and Janáček’s rarely heard rhapsody Taras Bulba, along with three contemporary works: Adès’s own The Exterminating Angel Symphony, followed by a musical tribute György Kurtág wrote to Pierre Boulez ten years ago, as well as a composition by Boulez himself – a reminder that we will soon be celebrating the centenary of the great French composer’s birth in 2025.

Conductor: Thomas Adès
Featuring: Vienna Philharmonic

Presented by: Müpa Budapest

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